Procurement of Goods – Negotiated Procurement
Negotiated Procurement is a method of procurement of Goods whereby the Procuring Entity directly negotiates a contract with a technically, legally and financially capable supplier (IRR-A Section 53).
The latter portion of the above definition indicates the advisability for the existence of a registry of suppliers maintained and updated by the Procuring Entity. Moreover, particularly in the cases of emergency procurement, the suppliers from whom goods are procured should be in good standing, and have not committed any breach of contract (e.g., short deliveries, unreasonable delays in delivery of goods, delivery of defective goods, or similar acts) in previous transactions with the Procuring Entity or other government entity. It is the responsibility of the Procuring Entity, through the procurement office, to monitor contract implementation as well as constantly coordinate with the GPPB-TSO for updates on blacklisted suppliers.
Legal Bases:
Procurement of Goods – Competitive Bidding
Competitive or Public Bidding is a method of procurement that is open to any interested and qualified party. All procurement should be done through Public Bidding except as provided in Rule XVI of the IRR-A (IRR-A Section 10).
Competitive Bidding consists of the following processes: advertisement, pre-bid conference, receipt of eligibility documents and bids, eligibility check, opening and examination of bids, evaluation of bids, post-qualification, and award of contract. (IRR-A Section 5 [h])A Procuring Entity should, therefore, see to it that its procurement program allows enough time to conduct such Public Bidding.
Legal Bases:
Procurement of Goods – Small Value Procurement
Small Value Procurement is a method of procurement of goods not covered by Shopping under Section 52 of the IRR of RA 9184, infrastructure projects, and consulting services, where the amount involved does not exceed the following threshold: For NGAs, GOCCs, GFIs, SUCs, and Autonomous Regional Government, One Million Pesos (? 1,000,000), less than One Million Pesos for LGUs (province, city or municipality), and Fifty-Thousand Pesos (? 50,000) for barangays.
Legal Bases:
Procurement of Goods – Shopping
Shopping is a method of procurement of goods whereby the Procuring Entity simply requests for the submission of price quotations for readily available off-the-shelf Goods or ordinary/regular equipment to be procured directly from suppliers of known qualifications (IRR-A Section 52).
Inherent in this definition are the following requisites:
The goods to be procured are readily available off-the-shelf items or ordinary/regular equipment; and
The suppliers from whom the goods are procured are of known qualifications.
Legal Bases:
Repair and Preventive Maintenance of PPE
The primary goal of maintenance is to avoid or mitigate the consequences of failure of property, plant or equipment.
It is designed to preserve and restore property, plant or equipment’s reliability by replacing worn components before they actually fail. Maintenance activities include partial or complete overhauls at specified periods, minor adjustments, and so on.
Disbursement by Modified Disbursement Scheme ADA or Checks
Presently, the National Government uses two (2) schemes for payment of Accounts Payables: 1) the Common Fund Scheme where payment is made through issuance of MDS checks, and 2) the Direct Payment Scheme (DPS) via bank debit system, through issuance of Advice to Debit Account (ADA).
The second scheme has two variants: 1) the DPS whereby direct payment to the creditors’ accounts is effected by MDS-GSB, upon receipt from the agency of the ADA based on the Advice of Notice of Cash Allocation Issued (ANCAI) from DBM; and 2) the Modified Disbursement Payment System (MDPS) whereby direct payment to the creditors’ account is effected by the MDS-GSB, upon receipt from the DBM of the agency’s ADA integrated in the List of Due and Demandable (LDDAP).
The MDPS has contributed to the substantial reduction of agencies’ due and demandable A/Ps and has minimized the volume of outstanding checks. In addition, said scheme has addressed cash programming concerns relative to resource predictability requirements by providing specific schedule of payments.
Legal Bases:
- Circular Letter No. 2013-16: Implementation of the Expanded Modified Direct Payment Scheme (ExMDPS) for Accounts Payable Due Creditors/Payees of All National Government Agencies (NGAs)
- COA Circular No. 2012-001: Prescribing the Revised Guidelines and Documentary Requirements for Common Government Transactions
Records – Incoming Communications
Under the provision of RA 9470 otherwise known as the National Archives of the Philippines Act of 2007 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, to effect better coordination in the management of government records and public archives.
The National Archives of the Philippines is mandated to plan, develop, prescribe, disseminate, and enforce policies, rules and regulations and coordinate government-wide programs governing the creation, general protection, use, storage and disposition of public records including the acquisition, storage and preservation of public archives and providing facilities for reference, research or other purposes.
Legal Bases:
Records – Outgoing Communications
Under the provision of RA 9470 otherwise known as the National Archives of the Philippines Act of 2007 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, to effect better coordination in the management of government records and public archives.
The National Archives of the Philippines is mandated to plan, develop, prescribe, disseminate, and enforce policies, rules and regulations and coordinate government-wide programs governing the creation, general protection, use, storage and disposition of public records including the acquisition, storage and preservation of public archives and providing facilities for reference, research or other purposes.
Legal Bases:
Online Public Assistance
In response to the the technological advancements in the field of public service particularly communication with clients, an Online Public Assistance Unit was created.
The OPA manage complaints, inquiries or requests for assistance emanating from the 8888 Citizen’s Complaint Center, Office of the President and Labor Secretary, DOLE 9’s official email address, Contact Us page of the DOLE 9 portal, Facebook and other social media accounts, hotlines, as well as ARTA Reports.